Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

We started off our day with enchiladas. I used Elise's recipe as a template. Mine were filled with rice, TVP, roasted broccoli, and edamame, and covered in Hatch red chile enchilada sauce. So yummy, and kept us full for a long time!

After that, we were off to the park to enjoy the beautiful day. My little monkey-man decided to hang out for awhile.

Olivia pointed out all the different animals to me.

Then we returned home to watch basketball and eat leftovers. A relaxing day with my three favorite people. What more can this mama ask for?

I feel so fortunate to be able to spend my entire days with Jackson and Olivia. I feel pretty damn lucky to be their mama. Friends and family often comment on how busy we are. "You do so much with them!"  Well yes, I do. I believe in learning through experience and I try to give them as many varied experiences as I can, because childhood is short.  On this Mother's Day, this is my goal for my babies: to surround them every day with art, music, words, ideas, beauty, and unshakable love. Soak it all into their little brains and hearts. A childhood consisting of millions of warm, sparkly moments. So they can take it with them. They can look for those moments, seek them out, and be cushioned by them when times are hard. When they are older, they can filter all they've taken in through their perspective and put it back out there. 

Hope all of my awesome mama readers had a lovely Mother's Day! 

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