Friday, February 18, 2011

Soy Curl Tacos and Simplifying Dinners

I've been feeling kinda burned out on cooking lately, you guys. Between my Urban Vegan recipe testing, the PPK Cookbook Challenge, and eagerly trying out the new cookbooks I got for my birthday and Christmas, I've been making a lot of new recipes with very few simple "filler" meals in between -- I'm talking about noodles, pizza, tacos, stuff that doesn't require a ton of prep work or leave a disheartening pile of dirty pots and pans in the sink. So, to help me lose the cooking blahs, I'm going to be doing simpler meals for awhile. Simple meals that help me use up ingredients I already have. Simple meals that only mess up one or two pans instead of a whole sinkful.

Our Valentines feast provided enough leftovers to last the rest of the week, so I'm already off to a good start. Last night we had tacos filled with leftover cole slaw, pickled onion, avocado, and I also cooked some soy curls in taco seasoning.

This was my first time cooking with soy curls. I had the good fortune to win a bag from Liz at Vegan Food Rocks, and I'm so glad I got a chance to try them, because they are pretty awesome. They're really fast and easy, for one thing. You just soak them in warm water for 10 minutes to rehydrate, then add your desired seasonings and saute them in a skillet for a few minutes. They do a wonderful job of soaking up whatever flavors you add to them.

So easy a (heavily supervised) child can do it.

The tacos were a hit. Tony and I enjoyed the chewy texture of the soy curls as a nice alternative from the TVP or lentil tacos we typically make.

What are your favorite simple meals?


  1. Well, I was gonna say, girl! You have been a cooking fiend! Sometimes it's okay to take the easy way out for a while to let those creative juices have a chance to percolate again. Your prolific culinary achievements have been much appreciated, however.

  2. I love pasta with red sauce or homemade chili when I just need a good mindless dinner. I am all with you on trying to cut down on the number of dishes to do! Worst chore ever.

  3. Is that a future 'Iron Chef' in the making?

  4. I love new potatoes, carrots and brocolli florets cooked together in a pan until just cooked, then tossed with a dressing of lemon juice, garlic and olive oil whist still hot. Delicious, and only one pan used:)
    I think the recipe's on my blog
    if you feel like trying it out!

  5. oops, forgot to say I stir in the drained contents of a tin of red kidney beans or chickpeas, too!
