Friday, July 26, 2013

Roller Skating

Today I took Jackson and Olivia roller skating for the first time. Here they are, all blurry in their excitement to get out on the floor.

Tentative first steps.

Confession time: I don't know how to roller skate! And I'm kind of afraid I would break an ankle if I try to learn now (I'm not the most graceful mama in the world.)  So I stayed in my street shoes and held Olivia's hand as we made our way around the rink.

She didn't need much hand-holding. This girl is fearless.

It was raining when we left the skating center, so a nice big pot of veggie chili sounded perfect for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable!! I used to be very good at roller blading but was a mess when it came to roller skating! It's always something I wanted to learn! It looks like Olivia is a natural!
