Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cookbook Challenge - Roasted Root Vegetable Soup

Here's my second Urban Vegan recipe for this week's PPK Cookbook Challenge.  The Roasted Root Vegetable Soup is versatile and can be made with a variety of veggies. Here are the ones I used: carrot, onion, potato, turnip, and parsnip.  A couple of those were new to me. A turnip is a lot like a potato once you peel it, and a parsnip is like a white carrot.

Little they are on the tray ready to go...

And the perhaps less attractive, but still tasty, result...

It's not a soup that makes you use exclamation points, but it has a nice flavor and is good for lunch on a cold winter day.

On the side we had raw vegan kale chips, recipe courtesy of Averie at Love Veggies and Yoga. I had been meaning to try these for awhile, but I had tried making kale chips in the past and burned them, resulting in a horrible stench, so I was a little gun-shy. Now I wish I'd gotten to them much sooner! Talk about addictive. I love cheesy, salty snacks, so these are perfect for me.

I don't own a dehydrator, but the baking method worked fine. Later in the day, the leftovers did get a little soggy. What I did was eat them on top of a hummus bagel. Or, you could probably pop them back in the oven for a few minutes to re-crisp.


  1. That soups sounds good! I still haven't tried making kale chips yet...must do that soon. :)

  2. It totally makes me use !!! Looks so delish, well done!

  3. I love a good solid soup and kale chips...never heard of such a thing, but they sound gooood!
