Monday, October 19, 2015

Dr. Zombie's Vegan Recipes

The other evening I was driving with Jackson and Olivia when a pumpkin patch caught our eye. Every year I try to get them to pose for pumpkin pics at Halloween. Every year, they get sillier!

They preferred to climb on the playscape rather than pose for pics. Understandable.

After letting them play for 20 minutes or so, I finally got a nice sweet pic of my little punkins.

I recently received a review copy of Dr. Zombie's Vegan Cookbook. How is that for perfect timing with Halloween coming up? Zombies are surely on all our minds. And the recipes are designed to be cooked in 15 minutes or less, so you don't really even need a working brain to make them. 

I made the Sweet Dates & Cinnamon Granola Brains, which are so easy, just dates and oats and a few spices. A nice sweet treat for the health-conscious undead.

I also made a batch of Tastes-Like-Hellfire Roasted Veggie Salsa. I could not stop eating this! I cut down the cayenne and black pepper quite a bit so the kids would enjoy it, too. Liquid smoke and tons of chili powder give the salsa a roasted flavor, without having to take the time to roast your tomatoes.

Some of the recipes are a bit more adventurous and I'm still getting up the courage to give them a try. Sweet roasted mushrooms and vanilla hummus sound freaky, but maybe they're ghoulishly good!

As a special Halloween treat you guys will be able to get this e-book for free on October 30th. Just follow the link, Dr. Zombie's Vegan Cookbook. I'll post a reminder on that day. Thanks Ryan for the review copy!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the fall and harvest photos and thanks for the heads-up on the ebook! YAY!
