Saturday, July 31, 2010

Soy milk

In a few weeks, my son Jackson is turning two, the age at which his pediatrician recommends switching from whole milk to 2%. I've been giving him hormone-free cow’s milk for the past year, but I think now would be a good time to switch him to soy milk, simply because that is what the rest of the family drinks. The thing is, he drinks a LOT of milk. So, I am thinking of buying a soy milk maker. I have my eye on this Soyapower Plus one.

I think it would pay for itself in a few months, and it would be fun to have a new “toy” to play around with and create different milks. However, I am concerned about Jackson getting enough calcium. When you drink Silk, it's calcium-fortified, but I don’t think homemade soy milk contains much calcium. Is it possible (and safe) to add calcium to homemade milk? I’ll have to do some research.

Another soy-related gadget I’d love to try is the TofuXPress tofu press…and Averie is having a contest to give one away! Check it out!

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