Sunday, November 23, 2014


One day last week, families were invited to eat a special Thanksgiving lunch with their kids at Jackson's school.

Lunchtime and recess are the students' only time to blow off steam, so the cafeteria is basically "Where the Wild Things Are." A very high-energy scene.


Today it is raining, so we are entertaining ourselves by taking selfies.

There also may have been a dance-off.

Rainy days call for hot drinks, so I decided to fancy up my Dandy Blend (herbal coffee) by making a latte.

I love my $3 IKEA milk frother! Works great with almond milk.

I am taking the rest of this week off blogging to be with my little family and extended family 24/7, so I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


  1. I had no idea frothers could be had for so cheap! That latte looks fantastic.

    1. It's a good bargain... I figured for $3 it would break right away, but I've had it for a couple of years now.
